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Keelven Trail

  • NL
  • Keelven Trail

    Start location:
    Boscafé De Soete Inval - Someren
    Kilometers / Altimeters
    • 5 Kilometers
      10 Altimeters
    • 8 Kilometers
      14 Altimeters
    • 10 Kilometers
      30 Altimeters
    • 13 Kilometers
      35 Altimeters
    • 18 Kilometers
      45 Altimeters

    The Keelven Trail

    The forests of Someren and the area around the Keelven are located on the edge of the Strabrechtse Heide. The Keelven area has a beautiful fen landscape.

    The fens were created by the sand blowing out. The water remains standing in the fens thanks to the impermeable layer in the subsoil. The fens are fed exclusively by rainwater.

    Participants in this trail will be surprised by the versatility of this special nature reserve. There is greenery to be found in all seasons and in the summer months many birds flock to the many fens.

    Beautiful 5-8-10-13-18km routes through a unique nature reserve!

    The Keelven Trail

    Beautiful fens alternate with challenging single tracks.

    Special grazing residents can be admired around the Keelven. The shorter distances of 5 and 8 km are perfect for the novice trail runner who wants to get a good idea of what trail running entails.

    The 10, 13 and 18 km continue and show you the entire area.

    Natuurpoort Vennenhorst

    The start and finish is on the lawn in front of the Soete Inval. The entrance to the Vennenhorst Nature Gate is the backdrop to the trail.


    • All routes are fully indicated with arrows
    • Resupply after each loop, at the start/finish location of the Keelven Trail
    • There are NO plastic cups available, so please provide your own cup/bottle. It is possible to purchase a Trail Running Racecup from the competition secretariat on the day of the event.
    • Participants will receive an email with additional information two days before the event


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